Quick 8 card reading featuring the Robin Wood Tarot

Let’s take a look into the Outcome layout featuring the Robin Wood Tarot. For more examples of this layout using various deck system click the ➡ LINK

The Situation is about the sale of a business. Will the business be sold?

As a rule I don’t read reversed Tarot cards but they ended up being reversed during the shuffle. This means there is some significance to the spots they fell in. People read reversals differently if at all. Not all reversed cards are the opposite meaning. I will explain as I talk about them.

Will the business be sold?

1 The Situation: 2 of Pentacles reversed.

The situation has been decided. There will be no more sitting on the fence about it or juggling the idea of selling.

2 Over you: STRENGTH reversed

This position represents things weighing down on the client. It can be a past (recent) situation connected to the question. It can describe the person’s energy or the actual situation. When the Strength card is reversed it loses its power and the ability to maintain balance. This card could be suggesting the desire to sell is not as interesting. Combine this card with the next one.

3 Over you: 2 of Wands

When combined with the Strength card reversed the 2 of Wands loses it’s grip on a decision or direction. As a stand alone the wand card signifies a plan of action or at the very lest a choice of direction. The 2 Over You cards are weakened thus implying the person selling isn’t motivated as much to sell.

4 What was: 7 of Wands

This card is about the recent past in relation to the question. It shows the person was protecting his business with all his might. He had different offers coming out of the woodwork but stood his ground. He was firm in what he wanted for the business.

5 What will be: Ace of Cups reversed.

You never want to see the Ace of Cups reversed when asking about a sale. The good emotions have left the cup. The excitement is no longer there. The offer of happiness even though in beginning stages has been poured out of the cup.

6 In their hands: SUN

The Sun is an interesting card in this position. It show the buyer feels confident about the sale. Another way to look at this card in this position is that the buyer will contribute to the success of the sale. They have the money to buy.

7 In your hands: King of Wands reversed

Our seller is represented by the King of Wands. He has fallen reversed. He is not in his own power. He is not the confident business man he was so an important decision like accepting an offer would not be a good idea. He is not thinking straight even though it is a wands suit.

8 Outcome: Page of Pentacle

Pages are always baby steps or beginnings. They are not completion Courts. The Pages are in a state of learning and given it is a pentacle learning about money or tangible things. The way I want to read the Page of Pentacles is that the business will not be sold. It is too premature to sell.

Tarot readings do not have to be real deep even though there is a profound depth to each card.

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