Lenormand #27 Letter card

The Letter

27. LETTER – Covers a vast amount of areas –the written word. Easy enough to figure out by looking at the nearby cards. News, announcements, memos etc. Coupled with the BIRDS card juicy gossip. With the PARK card an invitation to a gathering or party. Near the CROSS card- disturbing news. When the SCYTHE & COFFIN cards are involved – obituary.

I think the Letter card is the only one in the deck I have not detailed.  Once I finish this post I will add the link to the list of Lenormand meanings situated underneath the header.

Communication is the basis of this card.  These days it is mostly in electronic form especially when the BIRDS card is next to it.  The BIRDS card also implies hen-talk.  Of course, when coupled with the SHIP card it would suggest correspondence from overseas like a postcard or actual written letter (something which is slowly disappearing).

As with most of the Lenormand cards combinations will reveal what type of communication is coming.  News arrives via telephone/mobile as well and I think that text messaging is in keeping with the theme of the LETTER card.

I think this card is easy to interpret when combining with others.  When you add the TOWER card it can point to legal documentation such as  job descriptions, professional appointments, agreements and so on.

The envelope in the image is sealed.  It is not clear what the information is.  It’s important not to confuse it with the meanings given to the BOOK card.  I would categorize the LETTER as neutral energy.

When I see the LETTER card falling in the near future spots it tells me I will learn of something which is either completely new or an expansion of some situation.  Usually I hear an outcome or result of a circumstance.

The LETTER card is a reminder to schedule an appointment with a health practitioner when next to the TREE card.

8 thoughts on “Lenormand #27 Letter card

  1. [quote]The LETTER card is a reminder to schedule an appointment with a health practitioner when next to the TREE card.[/quote]

    When I see the LETTER next to the TREE card I also think of test results, or health docs (like insurance)-

    best wishes,


  2. many times I saw these 2 combinations :Letter+ Book and Book+ Letter..I wonder how should i interpret these cards?
    thank you

  3. Hi Kali,
    I have explained these two Lenormand cards in combination in a recent post. I would be interested if you had any of your own experiential interpretations to share.
    Madame Seaqueen

  4. As you Marie Ann Adelaide Lenormand, was a Tarot(the holy way)reader for Napoleons Princess Josephine. However this was just one of many life incarnation of mariam Magdal-en Soph-ia also known as Nephyes, and Lady Shekinah. ‘She’ has been one of my spirit guides for many years, and we have known each other in past lifetimes of history. She also channels under the name of ‘Skyra'( Y-ra-m) with one of my friends who also uses tarot cards. Her french Marie name is also encoded in PARA-NORMAL = PARA-DISE LE-NORM-AND.

    My dream visions website is relatively new and also has graphics and word codes combined in many languages in relation to the mysteries of divinity and the P-YRAM-ID OF MOTHER MAR-Y.

    John Blums

  5. So I don’t understand that I bought Gilded Reverie lenormand Card deck, but there was 36 cards in, not 40! Where and how can buy the 40 cards deck???? Thanx

    • Hi: Thanks for your comment. My deck has only 36 cards. I think the 40 card deck was a collectors special edition including some additional cards sold out. I don’t know when more will be printed but my understanding (based on website information) is that it will be available. If you go to the website there is additional information there —-> Gilded Reverie Lenormand Madame Seaqueen

  6. I love your blog so much! It has been such a valuable resource. I recently pulled: Letter + Anchor + Clouds. Would this mean news that is slow to come and may cause some confusion?

    • Thank you.
      Yes. With the Anchor card it tends to be work related news for the most part. I can’t help but notice the two black kings side by side. To me that is official business. The Clouds distort the intention of the news as it is pretty solid (anchor). As far as the news being slow to come I can see this as well with the Anchor card. Maybe the news is initially held back for some reason. A lot depends on your question or what was on your mind at the time of shuffle. Madame Seaqueen

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